Tool URL:
Institution URL:
Appropriate for two-year: Institutions
Two-Year Institution Size:
Appropriate for four-year: Institutions
Four-Year Institution Size:
While traditional measures of institutional retention tend to focus on freshman, there are a significant number of students at PSU who earn enough credits to apply for graduation, but then cancel their application and never finish. Between summer 2005 and spring 2010 768 students applied for graduation and had their applications cancelled due to not meeting all their graduation requirements. Approximately 44% had a financial hold on their records, and nearly all students were in good academic standing. For many students, the primary reason for leaving PSU close to graduation may not be academic performance, but financial or other reasons.
To identify undergraduate students who have dropped out of Portland State University within a term or two of completing degrees, and help them return to school to finish their coursework.
The last mile committee identifies undergraduate students who have applied for graduation at Portland State University, but had their applications cancelled due to a lack of completing graduation requirements. The Committee helps them return to school in order to complete their degree.
MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS:The Business Intelligence Unit created the following information reports/dashboards to facilitate Last Mile work: -Dashboard (available at department and college level) of degree applications, completions, students with 200+, 220+, 240+ credits, and students who have applied to graduate. -Dashboard (available at department and college level) data on students who have applied to graduate and still owe a balance to PSU. -Dashboard (available at department and college level) data on students who applied for graduation, but did not graduate.
- Early Warning System Effectiveness: Rates of students who applied for graduation, but failed to graduate before implementation compared to after implementation
- Remission Dollars Per Student
- Completion Rate Per College (Undergraduate)
- Reduction in the Number of Students with 200, 220, 240+ credits who have not graduate, per college
- Credits per graduated student: The closer this number is to 180, the more effective the system
Number of students benefited: 500 Impact on underrepresented students: High, given the mix of students. Number of students graduating as a result of this initiative: 356 as of Summer 2013 (program started at the end of Spring Term 2010)
Reinforcement of the value of degree completion, development of early warning system engagement of departments in assisting those on the cusp of graduation.
It is possible to have a large impact with modest cost when inspired to collaborate around an opportunity or issue that affects our students
Funding for tuition remissions
Resident tuition for one hundred, four credit courses
Randi Harris
Special Assistant to the Vice Provost for Academic Innovation & Student Success
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, Oregon 97207
Phone: 503-725-2342
Randi Harris
Special Assistant to the Vice Provost for Academic Innovation & Student Success
Portland State University
PO Box 751
Portland, Oregon 97207
Phone: 503-725-2342