Tool URL:
Institution URL:
Once at a user can click on the state where the course was taken and then select the institution where transfer credit will be originating from.
Appropriate for two-year: Institutions
Two-Year Institution Size:
Appropriate for four-year: Institutions
Four-Year Institution Size:
Constituents of Idaho State University needed a way to easily access transfer credit information in a self service nature that is updated regularly.
- The tool was to be web based.
- The tool was to be easily accessible.
- Reports needed to be generated out of it.
- The information had to be generated from our system of record and the data had to be systematically updated on a regular basis.
Idaho State University wanted a tool that updated on a regular bases for recruiters and prospective students to access from anywhere in the world to glean how a course would transfer to Idaho State University. We also wanted all academic deans and department chairs to have the ability to run reports on the ISU equivalency catalog data, to review transfer credit decisions from a specific institution, as well as to see everything equated to a specific ISU course.
MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS:Our transfer team is continuously updating our transfer catalog database within the student database. This website provides prospective students with information about how a course will typically transfer to ISU. This tool lists all colleges/institutions within the US, from which Idaho State University currently accepts transferable credit from. Data pulls directly from our student information system. Students can query the PDF from any regionally accredited institution within the US. A department can pull internal reports to help manage and oversee course equivalencies within the unit.
You can click on the state at the top and it will automatically navagate the user to that section of the webpage. Each state has a return to the top hyperlink feature to help users navagate the site quickly.
- Feedback from recruiters and advisors on campus.
- Tracking the days the reports are run by users.
- Reduction in questions from constituents about transfer credits.
The call and e-mail volume of questions regarding course equivalency has been reduced dramatically and recruiters and contacts at other universities have expressed appreciation for the tool. Advisors have documented that it is helpful in advising current student populations with regards to what courses to take and how to complete a degree during stop out periods. The information is programmed to be updated twice a month so that only the most current equivalencies are published.
Reduced confusion regarding the applicability of transfer credits; data is easily accessed by academic departments and all University units have access to, and the same understanding of, equivalency guides.
- Only the most current equivalency information should be published.
- The information needs to contain a disclaimer that the equivalencies are subject to change.
- Roles and responsibilites regarding the purview, timelines for updating and impacts to currently enrolled student populations should be documented.
Argos or a reporting tool IT webpage developer/designer IT Analyst to develop the report/data pull and backend setup Appworks a tool used to setup the systemic PDF updates, based on a predefined schedule Site storage
- Web programming man hours.
- Server space.
Integrate this public tool with a 3rd party tool to allow for real time inquiries and course reviews for prospective students.
Laura McKenzie
University Registrar
Idaho State University
921 South 8th Ave. Stop 8196
Pocatello, Idaho 83209
Phone: 2082822979
Laura McKenzie
University Registrar
Idaho State University
921 South 8th Ave. Stop 8196
Pocatello, Idaho 83209
Phone: 2082822979